Reading Aloud Benefits: 5 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Read Aloud in Class

Reading Aloud Benefits: 5 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Read Aloud in Class

Reading aloud can be an anxiety-inducing ordeal for many young people but this does not mean you should stop reading aloud in class. There are numerous reading aloud benefits that give your pupils the opportunity to listen to others read, become confident public readers and build their stamina for reading and enjoying texts. You should definitely encourage reading aloud in your classroom!

People who struggle with reading aloud often feel anxious because they are too busy thinking about what they want to say next, how they might sound and what people are thinking of them. This mental chatter stops them from getting curious, focusing on reading the text and enjoying the story! Your words could come out rushed, jumbled or stammered which makes it difficult for others to follow along with you. Just breathe, pause, relax, take your time when you’re reading. Just breathe, relax and take your time when you’re reading.

Here are some reading aloud benefits for students:

1. Classroom Chill Time

No matter how grown up our pupils think they are, most of them are still partial to a good storytime session. On those occasions when you finish your lesson early or have a lively class at the end of the day reading aloud is as relaxing as it gets! Your pupils are kept engaged and learning with minimal distractions and less stress on you. 

2. Hearing fluent readers helps with independent reading skills and improving vocabulary. 

Hearing fluent readers can help pupils visualise and understand passages better. Sometimes our mental chatter is so loud we can’t drown it out when we are reading in our heads. Taking the time to read aloud can help us to understand exactly what is going on. Reading aloud creates a classroom community because it serves as a building block for critical thinking skills that are related to reading and wider life. Listening to the changes in tone of  voice and inflection helps students to pick up on important cues that they might have missed while reading independently. It allows them to move past simple comprehension into a deeper analysis.

3. Reading aloud helps students develop good listening habits.

Active listening allows pupils to ponder and reflect on what they are hearing. Telling stories from different points of view helps pupils grasp the bigger picture and anticipate or predict what will happen next based on the characters’ personalities. Reading aloud will allow your pupils to become engrossed in the story’s narrative flow. Listeners are able to forget their surroundings and fully engage their senses into the story. This state fosters active, deeper learning.

4. Easy formative assessment 

Another reason why reading aloud is such a big classroom win is because it provides quick and easy assessment of your pupils comprehension. The questions we ask after reading a line, passage or chapter reveal far more about what your pupil understands.It’s a great way to invite your pupils to consider different perspectives and to ensure pupils are listening and not zoning out! If you want to discuss theme, tone, character development or anything else, verbal questioning when reading aloud is an effective method of formative assessment.I

5. Encourages diversity and inclusion in your classroom

Characters in books can serve as a great way for pupils to learn about the world we live in and the diverse people that inhabit it. Reading a variety of inclusive texts will spark deep conversation and will teach your pupils to be more empathetic and considerate. Books can cover areas where the curriculum might fall short.

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