Cleaning Classrooms and Getting Kids Out of a Mess

Spring clean strategies that could make school a little less rubbishy. A cross-curricular lesson that all students should learn is that picking up somebody else’s discarded crisp packet or water bottle will not give them cooties. Better yet (especially if this fear of physical garbage is genuine and not, as is suspected, fabricated conceptual garbage), let’s not drop things in the first place. Littering seems to be a peculiarly British disease. Colleagues who’ve taught in Dubai and Shanghai speak in reverential tones about pristine classroom environments. Those who’ve travelled to Europe, North America or Australasia don’t note quite such a … Continue reading Cleaning Classrooms and Getting Kids Out of a Mess

Be Yourself: Should There Be Behaviour Expectations on Teachers?

One of our content writers mulls over the conundrum, to what extent should your ‘school self’ be your true self? It’s a truism that teaching involves a certain amount of acting; whether putting on a straight face or a stern one, sometimes disguising your true feelings is by far the best approach. But just how much should you sublimate the real you? Fashion Conscious For me, this question has rarely been any more critical than how far I can bend the teacher dress code… Is a suit and trainer combination ever acceptable? Is there any theoretical evidence linking the choice … Continue reading Be Yourself: Should There Be Behaviour Expectations on Teachers?