The Element of Surprise

In this evening’s blog, Penny S-K talks us through a recurring nightmare and teaching in the face of a lack of planning. Do you ever have that dream where you’re about to go on stage, and you discover that you can’t remember any of your lines? And sometimes, for added colour, you’ve also forgotten to put on any clothes? It’s a recurring nightmare for me – probably down to my slightly theatrical background and general nervousness about life. But it’s a dream that’s never been more prominent than when I was a teacher. The fear of walking into any situation … Continue reading The Element of Surprise

A Christmas Carol Gets a Makeover

One of our lovely content writers, Marie, has kindly written a blog explaining the exciting changes coming to our A Christmas Carol unit of work!  It’s November, so we’re safe to mention Christmas right? Well, I’m going to go right ahead because I want to tell you a bit about our resources for Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Lesson 1 is free! Check it out here! Who Am I? I’m Marie and I’ve been with Twinkl Secondary since the very beginning and we’ve had resources on the site for this book since the early days as they were some of the first … Continue reading A Christmas Carol Gets a Makeover